White Wines |
A dry white wine
This dry wine has a grapey bouquet. It has a slight citrus, almost lemony
zest with a tart, cidery finish. 12% Alc./Vol.
750mL $12.95
Buy Cat's Meow online.
White wine
For our 20th Anniversary, we have an unoaked Chardonney. It has a clean, crisp taste with numerous fruit undertones. 12% Alc./Vol.
mL $12995
Buy Celebration online.
medium white wine
GOLD MEDAL WINNER. The nuances for this wine create a rainbow for your tongue. The floral
bouquet opens the experience, the soft, smooth flavor has a hint of grape
and then ends with a slight tartness. 12% Alc./Vol.
mL $12.95
Buy Fifty Windows online.
Lady in the Window
dry, light white wine
Our newest white wine is made from the Traminette grape. It has a fragrant aroma and floral taste, similar to its parent, the Gewurtztraminer. 12% Alc./Vol.
mL $18.95
Buy Lady in the Window Online. |

Hundred Windows
sweet white wine
The fruity aroma of this wine is
a pure expression of the grape. It is a refreshing wine and perfect
when chilled. 12% Alc./Vol.
mL $12.95
and popular Magnum size 1.5L $19.95
Buy One Hundred WIndows online. |
white wine
Made with the Cayuga grape, it pairs with many foods. This vintage is drier, with a wonderful crisp finish. 12% Alc./Vol. .
From the back label:
"The name Stella means Star. Helen means Light. Stella Jasinski
and Helen Bittner, as the grandmothers and matriarchs of our family,
truly were the guiding lights. Although their time with us was long,
90 & 96 years respectively, they are missed."
mL $16.95
Buy This Wine
Please note: The Winery at Marjim Manor can ship wine to many states. Due to individual state regulation, there may be special rules that apply to your state. |
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