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Current Sightings and Stories

On August 10, 2016, the Greater Western New York Paranormal Society (G.W.N.Y.P.S.) and Psychic Medium Dr. Mike Berta investigate the paranormal claims and history surrounding the Winery at Marjim Manor.


Haunted Buffalo: Marjim Manor Winery in WNY - Video by Mix96 Buffalo


Spooky Photo

spooky photo of the Winery at MAtjim Manor

A couple Sundays (in January, 2011) ago we visited the manor as part of our planned wine tasting tour. We wanted to hear about the legend and arrived shortly before 2:30PM. We enjoyed the stories, the wine and the manor very much!

As we left I took this picture from the road. It's odd that the manor is distorted yet the trees, sky, etc. are not. Even the doorway is straight but the rest of the manor is curved. What was even more spooky is my wife told me to look at the time I took the picture...it was exactly 3:00PM! Thought I would share it with you. -Peter Chilelli


Public Ghost Hunt 10-9-2010

On 10-9-2010 (NYX) New York X Paranormal Research Team hosted a Ghost Hunt at Marjim Manor with 41 guests in attendance. One of the guests, Karen Edwards, happened to capture a sometimes rare mist in a very interesting photo.

From Scott Schultz of New York X Paranormal Research Team:
"Scenario: I (Scott Schultz) was leading up the group on the back of the property, going over fundamental pendulum work. During this time and within a minute we encountered; a K2 meter which was brought by a guest pegging out, another guest who was using the pendulum commenting on a cold chill running through her body and the picture was taken. Karen showed me the picture and attempts were made to rule out breaths of air. There was no one smoking in the group. Others within the group then also commented on how cold it had gotten."

Here is the photo. You decide!

mist mist enhanced
mist - enhanced


Paranormal Investigation incident

Because Thursday Afternoon at 3 is our special time, I thought it was appropriate to post the following ghostly adventure!

On February 28, 2010 Buffalo Paranormal Investigators (BPI) did a ghost hunting class. The goal was to familiarize people with the equipment and methods they use. That date was specifically picked. Dr. Charles Ring died in the house on February 28, 1908. As part of the afternoon's adventures, an EVP detector was placed in "the" doorway.

Just before 3, the detector showed a reaction. When the recording was played back, a man's voice was asking "What? What?" like he was trying to understand what was being said.


Our Wedding Day - A Story From C. L.

It was November 25, 2006. A beautiful autumn day. Our wedding day had finally arrived.

The guests were all seated, the ceremony, conducted by Margo, was underway. Time for Sarah to sing. Cue the music. Hmmmm, the CD player won't work. Try and try again, it just wouldn't work for Margo. "It was working earlier with no problems." Oh well. Cue Sarah to sing without the music. Beautiful. The ceremony continues.


'Oh no, what did the photographer knock down?" We all direct our attention to the wall behind us where a plaque fell off the wall and onto the table below. The photographer? He was no where near it. It fell on its own. Or did it?

Once the ceremony was finished, the Best Man went to the wall and checked out the hanger. The plaque had to have lifted up and off the hanger. It's well known that Ghosts take energy from batteries and electrical equipment. Hmmmmm, the CD player.

Our wedding wasn't attended by just our invited guests but by an unseen guest or guests. But come to think of it. I did tell them they were welcome to attend. Did it bother us? No, in fact we felt honored they chose to attend our wedding.

Earlier at home we had a strange occurrence with our front lawn. In a darker green color of the lawn was a heart, the word, "DAD" and what looked like a"two year old's scribble." We figured it was Mark's dad and my son, Adam, wishing us well from Heaven.

Almost four years ago and we still talk about it with a smile.

Who knows what will happen when you visit...



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